Vind I Traden Academy is growing our future.

Vind I Traden Academy is dedicated to providing our students with all of the resources they need to grow intrinsically, follow their passions, gain real-world experiences, take control of their learning, and to have fun! We welcome all who are passionate about pouring into the future of our planet. We are always accepting cardboard and recyclables with STEAM potential. We can use old button up dress shirts for smocks and outdoor mud kitchen supplies anytime.

Thank you for considering in investing in our future!


Our faculty and families have generously provided to growing the resources of our learners. We love it when our community invests to grow our classroom resources. Every dime spent on educating the future, comes back endlessly for us all.


Over and over again Vind I Traden students say one of the best things about our hybrid community is the opportunities they have to engage in robotics, engineering, and exploring science in the most hands on ways possible.

The future is STEM. Engage with us today!

Outdoor Adventure

Vind I Traden literally translates to, “Wind in the trees.” Our students spend time everyday, rain or shine, out of doors. We are always exploring the natural world through play, our studies and personal growth. Thank you for considering an investment in our nature learning.

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”

- Albert Einstein