Apply Today

Vind I Traden is currently accepting student applications for the 2024-2025 academic year.

How It Works

  1. Complete the Student Application and return it to the academy via

  2. Provide the non-refundable application fee of $25 to Vind I Traden Academy. Email here to request an invoice.

  3. Once administration has received your completed application and non-refundable application fee, we will contact you to schedule your family interview with Vind I Traden faculty and staff.

  4. If all parties feel that Vind I Traden Academy is the right fit, families will complete the Family Agreement forms provided by the Academy as well as tuition contract, fees and payments to complete enrollment.

“Children, as it turns out, need a childhood.”

Ainsley Arment, “The Call of the Wild and Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child’s Education”